Wednesday, September 30, 2009

=Gone With The Wind=

Released in 1941, Gone With The Wind was a highly anticipated romantic drama. Directed by Victor Fleming, Gone With The Wind was one of the first technicolor films. With vibrant reds and greens, it was a huge hit. I was equally captivated by the film. The storyline, acting, symbolism and screenshots in Gone With the Wind really captivated every emotion and defined the movie bringing you back to that time period. I would give it 4.5 stars.

The story is set in the south during the 18th century, a time when slavery was a common thing. The film follows Scarlett O'Hara, the daughter of a plantation owner, through her life during the Civil War. Vivien Leigh plays as Scarlett. The performance by Vivien Leigh is stellar. With a dramatic and snotty attitude, Vivien Leigh becomes a very interesting character that everyone either hates or loves. Her performance was very good and she really knew how to portray the dramatic and attitude filled Scarlett.

Another character who seems to never give up on having Scarlett as his own was Rhet Butler, played by Clark Gable. Gable portrayed a smooth talking gentleman. A great job was done by Gable in this film. With his constant attempts to sweep off Scarlett off her feet and force her to love him, the part was casted very well.

Throughout the movie, Scarlett goes through a few husbands even though she loves someone she cannot have. This forbidden lover, Ashley Wilkes becomes an obsession. Leslie Howard plays Ashley. His performance was more subtle. Compared to the performances of Leigh and Gable, it was not nearly as captivating. Ashley's wife Melanie Wilkes was a very caring character. Olivia de Havilland brought out the true compassion and kindness in Melanie. You learn to love her character and from the first time she enters the scene everyone likes her.

The movie dealt with a lot of doom and gloom. During a horrible war in which the characters were on the losing side, there was death and lack of food. At one point Scarlett is forced to travel for days in pouring rain with pregnant melanie back to their town tara. Without any food and no home this seems to be the worst it would get, but Scarlett pulls it together and manages to get her own business started. During this time Rhet comes in and out of the picture in an attempt to win over scarlett. The whole time she keeps trying to get Ashley but she fails. As the war continues it reaches her business and everything seems to fall apart again. Luckily, during all of this depressing events, there is comic relief. Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) and Prissy (Butterfly McQueen) bring some humor to the bleak picture with their funny comments and personality.

Finally after his persistence, Rhet gets Scarlett to marry him. They have a rough marriage and a few falls but end up having a kid. Right when the movie seems to be getting more happy the kid dies. The climax comes at this point with Rhet and Scarlett both torn emotionally and to add to this melanie is pregnant and she is going to die. Scarlett, at this point, finally realizes the love she has for Rhet but too late. He gives up and leaves. The ending of the film shows her saying that she will be with him no matter what and that tommorrow is another day.

Overall, the acting was extremely well done. Each character, especially the main characters were perfectly portrayed. The story is really sad but very intricate. It makes you think in the last scene. They make you think on your own to what will happen. Great movie, great acting, great storyline. The only down side to the film was how depressing it was and the ending with Rhet giving up when she finally came running to him. Great film~4 stars.

Favorite Quotes:
"Quite frankly my dear...i don't give a damn." --Rhet
"If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." --Scarlett

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rating Scale

My rating scale is out of 5 stars...
-1 star- Quality is very poor. Horrible filming, acting, and storyline.
-2 star- Quality is better but still needs a lot of work.
-3 star- Good movie. Recommend watching. Still could be better
-4 star- Very good movie. Good acting, storyline and filming.
-5 star- Amazing in every aspect of film. Great storyline, acting and film technique